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Required Condition
10.4. Required Condition
Required conditions allow the administrator to force entry of a field's value based upon information only available during execution of an eForm.
For example, consider the situation where multiple points of contact for a customer are desired, but you would only require them to enter one. The required contact point is designated by the user as their preferred point of contact. In this example, the form would have data fields for home phone (contact_ph), email (contact_email), and cell phone (contact_cell_ph). There is an additional list (contact_optlist) where the user selects the best contact option from the three. The field that is required is based on the user's selection.
- On the Fields/Sections tab, select the contact_ph field.
- Click the arrow button that corresponds to the attribute, and select new condition from the menu that appears.
You may leave the defaulted condition name or change it. In this example it is a simple condition based on a single field value.
- Select the field contact_optlist in the first drop down list.
Our comparison selection should be Equal.
When the field selection is a list type the value field is automatically filled with the list's options.
- Select Home Phone as the value.
The condition is now defined as "contact_ph_required when contact_optlist equals Home Phone".
- Click .
The new condition "contact_ph_required" is now listed as the condition selection for the Required attribute.
These steps would be repeated for the contact_email field where contact_optlist equals Email and for the contact_cell_ph field where contact_optlist equals Cell Phone.