Home → Using LincDoc 3.1+ → eForm Administration → Importing an eForm or Document Package
You can import previously exported eForm or Document Package files to a new client ID or LincDoc installation using the import option.
Using the import option, select the LincDoc export file that you want to import and start the import process.
A resolution list is reported when an item in the import file (a document package, business rule, code list or source document) has the same name as one that is already in the system. For each problem item, your choices to resolve the problem are:
An example will help to make the choices clearer. Let's say you're importing a new document package that uses a code list called "beverageTypes", which includes the codes "Coffee", "Tea" and "Soda". When you start the import process, a problem is reported, indicating that a code list called beverageTypes already exists in the system. The beverageTypes code list currently in the system includes the codes "Hot", "Dairy", and "Carbonated". If you choose the Rename option, the beverageTypes code list in the import file will be renamed to beverageTypes2. After the import, you will have a beverageTypes code list with "Hot", "Dairy", and "Carbonated", and a beverageTypes2 code list with "Coffee", "Tea" and "Soda". The newly imported document package will use the beverageTypes2 code list. If you choose the Keep option, the beverageTypes code list in the import file will be discarded, and the newly imported document package will use the existing beverageTypes code list with the "Hot", "Dairy", and "Carbonated" codes. If you choose the Replace option, the existing beverageTypes code list will be overwritten with the one in the import file. After the import, you will have a beverageTypes code list with the codes "Coffee", "Tea" and "Soda". Any existing document packages that use the beverageTypes code list will now show "Coffee", "Tea" and "Soda" as the available choices.