HomeUsing LincDoc 3.0SearchRetrieving documents

11.3. Retrieving documents

Depending upon the eForm's security and search settings the user may have a combination of the following options in the search results window:

Editing a copy

Select a document in the results window and click on edit copy to execute the form with the data from the original document pre filled in a new document's window. 

Editing a document

Select a document in the results window and click on edit to open the original form for editing.  Changes will be overwrite the original document's data.

Retrieving a document

The retrieve button opens the selected document for viewing.

Downloading files

If a eForm or document package has files attached that were uploaded by the user, the files button gives the user the option to download them to the local computer.

Removing files

The remove button deletes the selected documents from the system.  

Exporting to csv

The selected document's field data is exported in CSV format when the user clicks on the export csv file.  The exported data file is named with the eForm or document package identifier and has a file extension of .csv.

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