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Different EOS Client Onboarding Groups
3.12. Different EOS Client Onboarding Groups
Sales Rep
- Has the ability to run the Onboarding form with the customer; is responsible for initial data entry; responsible for getting the customer's signature; signs for the payroll company on the Service Agreement.
- Sees a list of their recent sales displayed on the screen when they log in, in case any need to be updated.
- Has the ability to open/view only the forms that they initiated.
- Has the ability to run the Onboarding form with the customer, like a Sales Rep.
- Has the ability to open/view any form.
- Can make changes to any data that has not been locked down
Manage Accounts
- Creates and deletes EOS accounts as people join or leave your company.
- Can reset passwords.
- Normally assigned to the Sales Manager and CEO
- This role by itself does not give the user access to the EOS form.
- This role allows the user to accept the EOS software license terms.