Home → Using LincDoc 3.1+ → Configuring System Settings → Registering a User
The user registration feature allows for the easy creation of new LincDoc users. The feature generates a path (URL) to your LincDoc instance, which you then distribute to the potential new user (typically via an email message). The new user accesses LincDoc via the path, provides all of the necessary login information, and a new LincDoc account is dynamically created.
Note: This feature is similar to the Register a User action. The difference is that, unlike the action, this option allows you to make publishable paths (URLs) for distribution, and any recipient can open up the path to self register. LincDoc prompts the users for all of their registration details. For more information, see Action Details: Register a User.
Proceed to one of the following sections below for more information:
The feature is accessed by selecting the user registration option, available from the system button on the main LincDoc interface, as shown below.
When this option is selected, the User Registration dialog box appears. From this dialog box, you can add a new registration path, edit an existing registration path, delete an existing registration path, or view a path's associated link.
Registration paths differ based on a few characteristics, including, but not limited to the following: the provider, the group to which new users are assigned, and email restrictions. These characteristics are described in more detail in the remainder of this topic.
If a path has already been defined, you can click the Edit button (highlighted below) to change its settings.
For more information on the available settings, see Adding a New Path below.
You can add any number of new registration paths, as needed. There is no limit on the number of paths you can create.
Important: Anyone with an account who correctly enters the defined path can gain access to the account. You should take special care in providing the path ID.
Important: This setting is for advanced use cases, and it should only be used in certain scenarios. It can also not be used in conjunction with the Use Email address as username setting (described above). Contact LincDoc Technical Support for additional assistance.
If a path has already been defined but is no longer needed, you can click the Delete button (highlighted below) to remove it.
You can view the link associated with a defined path by clicking the Link button (highlighted below).
The link appears in its own dialog box, allowing you to either click it directly or copy it.
This link can be copied and emailed to the prospective new user.
You can use the Help link URL text box, available from an authentication provider's dialog box, to specify a user registration path (URL), which can be easily accessed from the LincDoc login page.
This approach makes the self registration process less dependent on locating the correct email path (URL), since once it is defined via the authentication provider, it is always available during the login process and does not have to be redefined or redistributed for each user.
Important: For security purposed, if you use this method, be sure to confine the link to a specific email domain.