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Action Details: Edit/View/Sign a Document
11.19. Action Details: Edit/View/Sign a Document
You can use this action to edit, view, or sign an eForm or Document Package that has been launched using the Run a Doc Package or eForm action, and is associated with a particular field in your original eForm or Document Package.
Once you add the action, you need to specify if the action will use an edit, edit copy, view, or sign action and which field in the original form is used.
To use the action, you need to specify the following information:
- action. Allows you to select the action that will take place regarding the eForm or Document Package. The following options are available:
- edit. Alter an existing copy of the form.
- edit copy. Alter a new version of the form, leaving the existing copy unaltered.
- view. Examine the form in the Document Viewer.
- sign. Examine the form in the Signature View, and complete any necessary signatures.
- docID field. Specify the field in the original form that contains the document ID.
Note: You can use the DocId function to set a field in your form to the document ID.
- event ID. Used to specify custom events added using the Add Event button on the Admin dialog box's Actions tab.
Tip: If you want to provide the ability to perform multiple actions (for example, edit and view), you can add multiple instances of this action, and assign each option to a custom button.