HomeUsing LincDoc 3.0Document Package Administration (Enterprise Only)Repeating documents

5.4. Repeating documents

Repeating documents

Sometimes there is a need for a source document to be repeated 1 or more times, but it is only known how many times it will be repeated once the user completes their data entry. Assume you are creating a document package to generate an apartment lease for 1-4 residents. The package is composed of 2 source documents: a base lease agreement and a resident application form. The base lease agreement contains a multi-value table to collect the 1-4 resident names, which we want displayed in the base lease. We make hidden fields to collect further details for each resident: we don't want to display the details in the base lease agreement, instead they will be shown in the application forms which will follow the base lease.

Resident name Resident address
<<res_pn#>> <<res_addr#[hidden]>><<res_city#[hidden]>><<res_state#[hidden]>><<res_zip#[hidden]>>

In the application form we might have something like this:

Resident name: <<res_pn#>>

Address: <<res_addr#>>

City, State Zip: <<res_city#>>, <<res_state#>> <<res_zip#>>

Configuring the document's inclusion

To include a document for each resident:

  1. Open the document package for editing.
  2. Right click on the document on the Source Docs tab's current documents pane.
  3. Select inclusion logic from the submenu.  
  4. In the Edit inclusion logic dialog, select Generate a copy for each instance of the field..
  5. Select the table definition.
  6. You may create a condition on its inclusion or leave the default condition of Always.
  7. Click the OK button to apply the inclusion logic.


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