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1.48. Syncing Documents

Completed documents must be saved back to the EOS server at some point, and at that time the locally completed documents are removed from the iPad. This process is known as "synchronization".

About Viewing Documents for Synchronization

You can view the documents that need to be synchronized using either of the following options on the left side of the app:

Quickly Synchronizing All Available Documents

If you simply want to synchronize all available documents, without first reviewing the list of documents that will be uploaded to your EOS server, use the Sync Documents option.

Note: If you want to review the list of documents that will be synced, before uploading them to your EOS server, proceed to the next section below.

  1. On the left side of the app, tap Sync Documents.

    The Synchronize Documents screen appears.
  2. Tap Yes to verify the action.
    All documents that can be synced, as automatically determined by the app, are uploaded to your EOS server.
  3. When the synchronization is complete, tap OK.

    Although the synced documents are no longer available from your app, they can be retrieved from the EOS server, if needed.

Reviewing and Synchronizing All Available Documents

You can update all completed, signed, and downloaded documents, and send these updated versions from your iPad to the EOS server, using the Synchronize All option. When using this option, a list of the documents that will be synced is displayed.

Important: This option automatically synchronizes all available documents in the overall list of documents.

  1. On the left side of the app, examine the Outbox option. Notice that the number of documents the can be synced is listed directly on the option.
  2. Tap the Outbox option.
    The documents that are ready to be synchronized are listed on the right side of the app. 
  3. On the right side of the app, tap Synchronize All at the bottom of the screen.

    The Synchronize Documents screen appears.
  4. Tap Yes.
    The documents are synced, and the progress is shown.
  5. When the synchronization is complete, tap OK.

    You are returned to your list of documents, and the synced documents are no longer listed. However, they can be retrieved from the EOS server, if needed.

Synchronizing a Single Document

You can synchronize a single document by accessing the document's options and using the Synchronize option. 

  1. Access a desired completed, signed, or downloaded document via the Outbox option.
    The document's options appear.
  2. Tap Synchronize.

    The Sync Document screen appears.
  3. Click Yes to verify the synchronization.
    Your document is updated on your EOS server. A message appears when the synchronization is complete.
  4. Tap OK.
    You are returned to your list of documents, and the synced document is no longer listed. However, it can be retrieved from the EOS server, if needed.

Synchronizing Selected Documents

You can specify a subset of the documents in your app for synchronization. This feature allows you to synchronize more than one document without having to synchronize all documents.

  1. Access the list of documents via the Outbox option.
  2. Select the documents you want to synchronize.
  3. Tap Synchronize at the bottom of the list.

    The Synchronize Documents screen appears.
  4. Click Yes to verify the action.
    The selected documents are updated on your EOS server. A message appears when the synchronization is complete.
  5. Tap OK.
    You are returned to your list of documents, and the synced documents are no longer listedHowever, they can be retrieved from the EOS server, if needed.

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