HomeUsing LincDoc 3.0DANG Rule WizardDocument inclusion rules

7.6. Document inclusion rules

Document inclusion rules control the presence of each of the documents included in a document package.   The logic to include or exclude is executed when running a document package.  For example, a generic lease package may contain multiple addenda that should be included based on property characteristics.

  1. Select the document package that you wish to edit in the form drop down list.
  2. Click on the admin icon and select edit.
  3. On the Source Docs tab of the admin screen, right click on the conditional document in the current documents pane.
  4. Select the option inclusion logic from the sub menu.
  5. The condition is defaulted to Always.  Click on the sub menu arrow and select new condition.
  6. Name the condition and enter its logic, i.e., the property allows pets field has a value of Yes. 
  7. Select OK to create the new condition.
  8. Select OK to confirm the condition's application to the document.

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